all postcodes in CB24 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB24 6AB 14 1 52.243979 0.165607
CB24 6AD 65 2 52.242477 0.166603
CB24 6AF 6 1 52.236945 0.174535
CB24 6AG 2 0 52.236156 0.174878
CB24 6AH 19 0 52.242848 0.166958
CB24 6AJ 31 7 52.242788 0.160714
CB24 6AL 28 0 52.240257 0.157032
CB24 6AN 5 0 52.240016 0.159115
CB24 6AQ 11 0 52.242901 0.164558
CB24 6AT 18 17 52.237931 0.158077
CB24 6AW 73 7 52.240446 0.158974
CB24 6AZ 22 22 52.23649 0.158651
CB24 6AY 2 2 52.2386 0.154198
CB24 6BE 10 0 52.239924 0.154263
CB24 6BG 35 0 52.241431 0.166786
CB24 6BJ 27 0 52.241745 0.160444
CB24 6BL 46 3 52.241924 0.162445
CB24 6BW 61 5 52.24251 0.162357
CB24 6BN 4 0 52.243559 0.162817
CB24 6BP 6 0 52.243804 0.162903